Amp Wiring Diagram Amp Meter Wiring Diagram?

Amp meter wiring diagram? - amp wiring diagram

I would like to install a circuit diagram for an AMP meter in my boat, my boat has a small Mazda diesel engine with an alternator to charge to deliver the battery.


bmh1944 said...

To function properly, an amp meter in series with the positive lead all supply systems of the vessel, with the exception of the large cable going directly to the starter. In the series, the 12 V battery cable (except starter cable) is connected to the line of the battery is defective, connected "+" on the subway line and the feeding of all aspects of the counter "-" terminal.

If the positive terminal of the battery, but a thick rope, so that you connected it, you must locate the wires to the terminal strip or panel where the bus long cable that goes directly to the starter positive cable, and seconds, that makes all other electrical equipment of the ship. If that does not exist, then you need to be creative online division of the great ship's main cable feeding the starter, because the counter only AMP Series (online) with the power cord hanging main bus boat (not the booster cable). This allows the meterindicate a discharge when the engine is not running, and displays the current total generator load) (less discharge current system to the battery when the engine is running.

Once you pick a spot to the main positive cable systems with power supplied only the ship will probably be back near the battery and the amp meter is expected to place on the dashboard of the ship or be placed on control panel. This means that you have the main power cord sections cut near the battery and splice in (or use a heavy terminal) to a long piece of cable tails cut counter occur "in connection +" terminal and start a Connect with other major cable-meter "-" terminal with electrical cables on the other side of the cup.

If you have a standard line or amplifier-Series meter cable in and out of the subway will be used (unless you cut) the power cord is rather long, so avoid (the loss of voltage voltage drop more) cCourse requirements through a battery cable along the cable must be used at least a portion of the cable as the cable along the existing farm.

An easy way to do this is to bypass "sensing" AMP-meter instead of a conventional line or meter number. Remote sensing system for collecting meter has a bypass, which quickly connects the heavy battery cable ends back at the point where you cut the main cable, and then only two meters of cable from small to be against him. It is much less expensive to install, and it is concerned about the implementation of the face of long-distance cable that is hard to rub and some short time later can.

If you do not really control the amount of discharge or load (amps) you can do it just fine with a voltmeter that is installed on the panel and quickly with little son between fieldbus concerned and each terminal 12V fuse is "hot" all the time. Look at the battery9; s voltage will tell you if it is done under or over. Hope this helps.

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